EdTech Review Framework (ERF) available to all Norfolk Schools
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ICT Solutions and NAACE (The National Association for Education Technology) have joined forces to make the EdTech Review Framework (ERF) available to all Norfolk Schools at a heavily discounted price of £50 per school, with the additional chargeable option of progressing to the NAACE mark Award if required.
For schools who have an IT Support contract with us this access will automatically be included in your contract from April 2025, and more information will follow shortly with your renewal quotation.
Schools with other IT support providers can take advantage of the discounted pricing of £50 to gain access to the ERF by purchasing via ICT Solutions.
NAACE is a community of teachers, school leaders, advisors, consultants, and commercial partners working across all areas of UK education who share a vision for the developing role of technology in education.
Reviewing your EdTech strategy
The effective use of Educational Technology is at the heart of what NAACE supports our membership with. We advocate for schools to take up the EdTech Review Framework (ERF) - a maturity model which helps schools to:
- Understand where they are in their technology strategy
- Plan the next stages of their technology strategy
- Record their progress
We also offer recognition for schools once they have worked through the ERF:
- NAACEMark is an award available to schools that have achieved at least level 2 across all elements of the NAACE EdTech Review Framework (ERF). Schools will be notified of the opportunity to apply for the NAACEMark Award via the ERF Online system once they have reached the required level.
We've worked with countless schools since the ERF was first launched, check out these Case Studies to see how different institutions have adopted the Framework and used it to further develop their strategy and offering.
The NAACE EdTech Review Framework
The NAACE EdTech Review Framework (ERF) is a maturity model which helps schools to:
- Understand where they are in their technology strategy
- Plan the next stages of their technology strategy
- Record their progress
The framework has been in existence for over twenty years and is regularly updated to reflect the changing scene of technology in schools. The most recent update was in 2021. The information is available in two formats linked below.
There is a small annual cost associated with the online ERF tool, as it offers the following additional benefits:
- Access for three staff members
- Capacity to store evidence and progress notes from each staff member
- Guidance throughout the process to help users
- Ability to apply for assessment towards the NaaceMark award once the ERF has been passed
To date, over 16,000 schools have taken advantage of the ERF online system.
What is the NAACE ERF?
The NAACE EdTech Review Framework is a powerful online tool for school improvement through the use of Education Technology. It has been recognised by Education Technology leaders over the past seven years that the benchmarking process offered through NAACE's online EdTech Review Framework (ERF) is the most effective way of determining where their school is in terms of education technology development and, more importantly, how best to plan the next steps in that development. Many head teachers and senior management personnel in ICT Mark award schools have also found ways in which the ERF provides a valuable educational tool to enable them to oversee the process and to support their school's Education Technology team.
The six elements
The ERF is divided into six mutually supportive elements:
- Leadership and management
- Teaching and learning with technology
- Assessment of digital capability
- Digital safeguarding
- Professional development
- Resources and technology
Download the ERF Framework for each of the six elements above.
Want to know more?
If you require more information or have any questions, please contact ICT Solutions at ict@norfolk.gov.uk
We will be putting on some virtual information sessions in the near future, dates will be published once agreed with our NAACE colleagues.
Ready to get started?
Please contact ICT Solutions at ict@norfolk.gov.uk so we can liaise with NAACE about getting you set up with access.
For schools who have an IT Support contract with us this access will automatically be included in your contract from April 2025. Our support technicians have been trained by NAACE to help you with the Framework and planning your strategy.
Schools with other IT support providers can take advantage of the discounted pricing of £50 to gain access to the ERF by purchasing via ICT Solutions.