Management information systems
Do you need help choosing an MIS that is suitable for your needs?
Choosing the right MIS for your educational needs can be the most difficult, and time-consuming decisions you will have to make. You will need to consider if the MIS is suitable, not only to record your student and staff data but is it also capable of producing the reports you need on a day-to-day basis quickly and efficiently. Some of the other requirements that may need to be factored into the equation is can you record your pupil's behaviour; can you communicate to your parents effectively and can you record and monitor your pupil's attainment.
How can ICT Solutions help you choose your new MIS?
Norfolk County Council (NCC) have adopted an MIS framework for "The Provision of a Management Information System (MIS) for Schools, Academies and Free Schools within Norfolk" This scheme is available for you to use regardless of your current MIS contract or supplier, and regardless of whether your educational establishment has an existing support contract with ICT Solutions or not.
Our aim is to give you the best choice for your setting, to make it as easy as possible to switch and at the best price possible.
Which suppliers are on our framework?
The following suppliers all deliver the required core functionality effectively and efficiently.
ICT Solutions does not endorse or recommend any one of the MIS providers listed and you can read more about these providers on their own websites.
Schools must still do their own detailed due diligence, including checking the accuracy of information given on or collated from provider websites, before they make a final decision about whether to change MIS and which MIS to move to.
Contact us for more information on our preferred MIS providers
MIS Support
That is not all, as well as giving you the best price for the core MIS, ICT Solutions, at present, can offer support and training for all the systems on the framework*.
If you decide to purchase a support package through ICT Solutions, you will get access to our experienced and accredited 2nd line support team via our Service Desk. You will also be able to view our support guides giving you access to all of our resources for each MIS. This consists of our core step-by-step guides, informational and best practice guidance, as well as training documentation to enable you to get the best out of the MIS. You will also get access to our seasonal documentation, School and Pupil Census guidance, School Workforce Census guidance, Assessment guidance, and End of Year guidance.
* From 01/04/2025, we will no longer be supporting SIMS.
As part of your support contract, you will be entitled to a 2 hour remote training session, specifically catered for new office administrator starters once per academic year.
We also offer ad-hoc training that is not part of your support contract that can include; 1 2 1 training sessions for office staff or teachers and End of Year training.
We also offer support only packages or training for Primary schools who do not buy the annual core MIS licences via ourselves.
Visit our MIS training page for more information on our training agenda
Contact us to get more information on how a MIS Support contract with ICT Solutions would benefit your educational setting.